We strive to create a more sustainable world by investing time and resources in projects that promote conservation, sustainability, corporate stewardship and responsibility.

Harnessing radiant light from the sun, MicroSi installed solar panels. As a result, we have reduced CO2 emissions by thousands of pounds annually.

Recycling & Paperless
We proactively reclaim all possible recyclable materials. The majority of our operations are paperless, storing documents electronically rather than printing them.

Water is a precious commodity, especially in the desert where MicroSi is located. By implementing programs that help limit our water consumption, we are conserving thousands of gallons of water each year.

Our products which contribute to the solution of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We do our best to solve various social issues, and we implement this through our Corporate Mission Statement to “contribute to people’s daily lives as well as to the advance of industry and society by creating value through providing key materials and technologies.” Products born from these efforts also contribute to solving the UN “sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.